Monday, 31 March 2008

John Stone Fitness

I've been doing a bit of research and I found this website:

John Stone Fitness

I don't think I'm ever actually going to get that big, 3 years is a long time but his progress in the initial 3-4 months is really promising. I only hope that I am as succesful.

Guilford lido workshop gym

So as my new regime consists of quite a lot of weights I have been looking at alternative gyms to join, my current one is very cheap and although it does have some limited equipment I get free access to lessons and its useful for when I go running at lunchtime at work.

Guildford Lido Workshop

I have found this gym, its not particularly big, but it does give me access to a lot of weight machines which is exactly what I'm looking for, its not particularly cheap but I don't mind paying a bit extra if its going to give me the results I'm trying to achieve.

Fancy weighing scales

So I picked up my fancy weighing scales yesterday, they look good but I'm a little concerned about how accurate they are. I'll post my first results tomorrow morning hopefully the results will be accurate.

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Polo advert

Some people may find this advert disturbing, but I find it really funny so I just wanted to share.

The vital statistics

So before I begin I need to figure out how I'm going to measure my success (If I have any) I am going to purchase some fancy weighing scales this week which should hopefully provide me with information about how succesful my training is going but until then we'll have to stick with these stats.

Weight - This is the obvious one, so I'm 190 pounds at the moment, just over 13 and a half stone. Golden rules about weighing yourself that I have picked up:

  1. Always weigh yourself on the same set of weighing scales (I'm technicall breaking this rule already but that because I don't have any weighing scales at the moment)
  2. Always weigh yourself at the same time of day, this is because your weight changes a lot throughout the day, first thing in the morning is usually a good time. Unless you have been out drinking all night and you have only got back home at 7am (For the record I have never ever done this!!)
  3. Also MOST IMPORTANTLY your weight is not directly linked to how succesful your diet is going. So if you go to the gym 4 times a week, and start eating healthy foods but your weight goes up this does not mean your are getting fatter. You are more than likely gaining muscle which is making you weigh more, and the more muscle you have means the more calories you burn off.

BMI - So the BMI is a fancy calculation that tells you how fat you are, as I'm 5' 10'' and using my above weight my BMI is 27.3 which puts me in the overweight category. If I wanted to sit in the normal weight category I need to weigh 174 pounds (about 12.5 stone). Unfortunately the BMI is only a rough calculation if you did the same calculation on a rugby player they'd probably be 30 but thats because all the weight is muscle.

% Body fat & muscle - This is probably the best way to show how succesful things are, unfortunately until I buy my fancy weighing scales these stats are going to have to wait.


Welcome to my blog, this is my first post so apologies for the lengthy post but I thought it would be good to set the scene, letting you know who I am and why I created the blog.

I'm 27 years old, I have a pretty good job working in IT for a large engineering company that I enjoy (There are some bad days but its better than some other jobs I've worked in). I haved moved around the country quite a lot, but I'm currently living in Surrey, although my salary doesn't look like I should be living in Surrey as I don't get paid enough.

Anyway the reason for writing this blog is because I want to lose weight, I weigh just over 13 and a half stone roughly 190 pounds. I recently went on a skiing trip with some friends of mine and after looking at some of the photos from the holiday I didn't like the way I looked, so I have decided to do something about it.

I have been doing a lot of research on the internet about how to lose weight, and there is a lot of information out there, so I'm hoping that this method is succesful otherwise you lot can laugh about how badly I'm doing.