Monday 10 November 2008

1 week off 6km run

Well I've been a bit slack, as I hadn't been for a run since Halloween, I kept meaning to go for a run but the week kind of got away from me. Anyway after sitting on my arse all weekend and after having a Banoffee pie for lunch today I knew I had to get out and go for a run, and I did.

I got caught at a traffic lights so instead of stopping for the cars to leave I decided to go a different way, fortunately this added an extra km to my distance and there was a steep hill. I got back after 49 minutes, which isn't particularly good I know but as I've been off for a week and this is the furthest I have run for sometime I didn't think it was too bad, if I'd run all the way back I might have cut it down by 5-10 minutes.