Monday, 28 April 2008

Improve Progress charts

Well I decided to review my progress charts as the one I put up previously didn't show my progress very well. I have had to find a new Google gadget that would let me create these graphs, unfortunately there is no way to get the body fat and weight on the same chart so I have got to create two charts, if I'm feeling really geeky and adventurous I may look into creating my own gadget.

Anyway, with these new graphs you should be able to see that my weight has dropped over the last month, its not a great deal but I'm losing about a pound a week which isn't too bad, unfortunately this means I have about 3 months to go before I'm a healthy weight.

The body fat hasn't been a steady drop it was a bit dodgy during the first couple of weeks, but it looks like its going down now, lets just hope it is a bit more steady over the next few weeks.

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