Monday, 5 May 2008

Weigh in & Photos

So I did a weight in this morning, overall my weight has dropped but only just, it would be fair to say it hasn't changed at all. My body fat has dropped by 0.9%, which has meant a drop in about 1.7 pounds of fat. My muscle mass has increased to 140 pounds, this was the same as when I started the exercise. Overall I guess there hasn't been a massive change, but at least my overll fat content has dropped.

I also decided to add some photos of my progress so far, I'll be changing these photos as time goes by, the photos from 1/4/08 were very fuzzy but when I reduced the size they didn't turn out so bad. When I first started taking photos it was difficult to see my progress, but after creating the slides and comparing the photos side by side I am pleased with my progress.

I'm pleased with the side view as it shows a noticeable change in my gut size, I never really realised how big my gut was until I took this photo a month ago. Although I have made progress I also realise that I still have a long way to go. I wasn't really that convinced by my front view (I was pleased with my side view so that wasn't a problem), but now that I have the photos side by side I'm quite pleased. You can see that the front of my gut has narrowed, my pecs don't look as droppy, also around the waist there does seem to be some improvements.

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