Monday 20 July 2009

Sunday Exercise & Monday morning weigh in

So I did another session on Sunday, it wasn't a bad session got everything done except for my legs as I was quite tired by the end. I'm dreading tomorrow as I'm supposed to do two sets of everything, it should be a very tiring evening. I think that I'm doing too much on some sets but I'll give it a go tomorrow and I'll see how I get on.

I also did a weigh in this morning, not much to say really as its only been a week but I'm 187.2 pounds and 22.1% fat, my lowest when I trained last years was 180 pounds and 19% fat so I've got a lot to do to get back to that state. I'd like to start dropping in some cardio on days when I'm not doing weights, I would have started tonight but I'm going to visit a friend so I'll see if I can do some cardio on Wednesday hopefully that will help for the next weigh in.

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